Self-driving cars: Tesla vs. Google

October 18, 2022


Self-driving cars have become a rapidly growing technology in recent years, and two of the key players in this field are Tesla and Google. In this article, we will compare the self-driving technologies of these two companies to see how they stack up against each other.

Tesla Autopilot

Tesla's Autopilot is a set of advanced driver assistance features that comes standard on its vehicles. Autopilot uses a combination of cameras, sensors, and radar to detect other vehicles, pedestrians, and road markings. It can control the car's speed, steering, and braking, and it can change lanes and park the car automatically.

As of 2021, Tesla had sold over one million cars with Autopilot installed, and Autopilot had driven over 4 billion miles in total. According to Tesla, Autopilot reduced the likelihood of accidents by 40% and reduced the severity of accidents by 60%. However, there have been several accidents involving Tesla vehicles on Autopilot, including some fatalities, which have raised questions about the safety of the technology.

Google Waymo

Google Waymo is a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc. that specializes in self-driving technology. Waymo's self-driving system uses a combination of cameras, lidar, and radar to perceive the environment around the vehicle. It can control the car's speed, steering, braking, and even honk the horn if necessary.

Waymo has been testing its self-driving technology on public roads since 2009 and has logged over 20 million miles of autonomous driving as of 2021. Waymo reports that its self-driving system has a disengagement rate (i.e., when a human has to take control of the car) of 0.06 per 1,000 miles, which is significantly less than the disengagement rates reported by other companies testing self-driving technology.


There are several factors that can be used to compare Tesla's Autopilot and Google Waymo self-driving technologies.


Both companies claim that their self-driving technology is safe, and both have reported reductions in accidents and fatalities. However, there have been several accidents involving Tesla vehicles on Autopilot, which have raised questions about the technology's safety. Waymo's self-driving technology, on the other hand, has been involved in far fewer accidents.

Range of Use

Tesla's Autopilot is limited to use on highways and limited-access roads, while Waymo's self-driving system has been tested in various environments, including urban areas and suburban neighborhoods.


Tesla has been developing and refining its Autopilot technology since 2014 and has been adding new features regularly. Waymo has been testing its self-driving technology since 2009 and has been refining it to be used in ride-hailing services.


Tesla has been deploying its Autopilot features on its vehicles for several years, while Waymo has been testing its self-driving technology in ride-hailing services in Arizona.


Both Tesla's Autopilot and Google Waymo are impressive self-driving technologies that are making a significant impact on the transportation industry. However, Waymo's technology has been tested more extensively than Autopilot, and its safety record is better. On the other hand, Autopilot has been deployed on millions of cars and is widely used by Tesla owners.


  1. Tesla Autopilot
  2. Waymo
  3. Why Google’s Waymo Is Better Than Tesla’s Autopilot (Wired)

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